Monday 18 July 2016

Benefits Of Adopting Low Carbon Retrofit

Today, many countries are adopting the new concept of low carbon retrofit for housing. The main objective of constructing these houses is to meet the challenges of continuous climate change. Retrofitting is more of a process as it requires engineering expertise, proper system and an equipment knowledge. It is estimated around 500 billion have been spent on the retrofitting the domestic as well as commercial buildings. Homes that have undergone a retrofitting process are more comfortable, more durable, healthier and safer than the average modern home. Following are the key benefits of adopting low carbon retrofit:

Energy Saving:- Most of the homeowners are responsible for 49% of energy consumption. Adopting the low carbon retrofit, you can efficiently reduce 90% of electricity bills.

Improved Comfort:- By addressing and identifying the air leaks and defective insulation, retrofitting can enhance the performance of the whole house.

Great Durability:- As it identifies the long-term problems, that includes moisture and air infiltration, poor ventilation and structural problems, it helps in making the house more durable and reliable to live in.

Higher Resale Value:- By enhancing the value of the house in terms of air quality, greater comfort and high durability, retrofitting helps in making an energy efficient home all the more attractive. Thus, it also increases the resale value of the home.

There are various builders and architects that offers low carbon retrofit of the house at an affordable price value. But before making any decision or finalizing any one of the professional, doing a little bit research about the expert would be highly beneficial.

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